Worship Our Holy God


Sin separates us from God.  God instituted a very strict process of animal sacrifice for the ancient Israelites as offerings to restore the relationship between Him and the people.  It serves two main purposes:
1. The animal symbolically took the sinner’s place, paying the penalty of sin
2. The animal’s death represents one life given so that another could be saved. God demanded that the sacrifice be holy (set apart) and unblemished.

Over time, the people have complacently abused this command through expediency, neglect and outright disobedience.  Their offerings have become contemptible and are thus no longer acceptable to God.  A contemptible offering is something so unacceptable that you have no respect for the person involved.  “When you bring blind animals for sacrifice, is that not wrong? When you sacrifice crippled or diseased animals, is that not wrong?” (Mal. 1:8)

Today, we no longer practice animal sacrifices because Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sins.  1 Cor. 6:19 says our body is a Temple of the Holy Spirit.  We are also told in Rom. 12:1, “in view of God’s mercy, to offer our bodies as ‘living sacrifices’, holy and pleasing to God – which isyour spiritual act of worship.  Therefore, our sacrifice is our worship and should be the best we can offer.

Our culture’s casual attitude towards sin ignores the cost of sin and need for repentance and restoration.  God must be approached with an attitude of repentance.  His demands are no less strict today.  When we gather together, do we feel His overpowering presence?  Paying scant attention to the sermon and mouthing hymns meaninglessly tantamount to showing disrespect to a Holy God

Very often, we hear the words “but we are not perfect”.  That is a weak excuse for us though admittedly, we are not sinless; we try to sin less.  1 Peter 2:5 says: “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”.

As a Christian community, the holy priesthood, we must present ourselves as holy and unblemished in the presence of God.  Casualness has no place in worship.  A Holy God demands holiness from His people. “Be holy, because I am holy” (Lev. 11:44).  Let’s not take God for granted but give Him what He deserves.  Worship Him with humble heartfelt adoration and reverent fear – He is Holy God!