Walking with God

ARTICLE – 2 October 2016
God answer prayer

A couple was house-hunting and finally it came down to two choices. They went to take a look at the second house. After a while, the wife told the husband that they will take the first house. When asked how she made the decision, she said she asked God for a sign and suddenly an airplane came zooming on its flightpath to the airport; she knew that the second house wasn’t meant for them.

People are always looking for directions, “consulting” God for signs only when we need to make decisions. Some of these would include – what school should I attend, whom should I marry, what job shall I take and a few others. We therefore pray for signs from God to reveal His will for us only when we feel it is necessary. In other words, we are only looking for signs from God, not a relationship (daily walk) with God.

Moses has more than his fair share of first-hand experiences with God. The burning bush, the 10 plagues affecting Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the 10 Commandments Tablets, to name a few when God spoke to him as a friend. Yet in all meekness, Moses pleaded with God, “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favour with you”. He was praying for God’s presence to be with him and His people all the time. God came down and lived among His people and was their guide into the Promised Land – “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest”. Today, guidance for Christians comes from our ongoing relationship (daily walk) with God. He wants us to know Him personally and being led by Him is part of that relationship (daily walk).

What are the benefits of cultivating a relationship (daily walk) with God?

  1. We will experience rest – physical and emotional rest that enable us to make correct judgment; a calmness and security that comes in walking with God.
  2. We will be distinguishable – set apart from the rest and because of God’s presence, we are holy.
  3. We will be known – the accompanying presence of God calls us to stand out in the crowd. It brings a significance to life to know someone as great as God, the One who knows everything about us.

To develop an intimate relationship (daily walk) with God takes time. It does not mean we get to know Him over a day or the weekend. Like Moses, we must want it with consuming passion, not obligation – something you want to do, not something that you feel duty-bound to do. We are encouraged to develop this relationship (daily walk) through faithfully reading the Bible and to bring every decision we make to Him in prayer.