The Genesis Of Missions


Missions had its roots in Creation when Adam and Eve first sinned.  It reflects the character of God – holiness and love.  Out-flowing from God’s love for us is His intense desire for people to be reconciled to Him to fulfil the purpose for His creation.  Sadly, sin crept in and infected us.  Since then, the forces of good and evil have been pitted against one another.  We separated from God, and it was all the more remorseful because we were made in the image of God. (Gen. 1:26, 27)

God therefore instituted the plan of missions to get people back to Him.  Through the ages, the patriarchs and prophets were raised by God for this very purpose, culminating in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary.  The result is that all people can receive salvation in Jesus Christ and be reconciled to God.

After Adam’s sin, the earth was no longer the paradise that God had intended for people.  Genesis chapter 6 contains the shocking revelation that the world then no longer worshipped and obeyed God except for one man – Noah.  Although the others were warned of God’s coming judgment, they chose to continue in sin.  So God saved only Noah and his family from a vast flood, destroying every other living human being on earth.

What does all this mean for Christians today?

When asked what the greatest commandment that people should follow was, Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matt. 22:37).  He also gave the second greatest commandment: “Love your neighbour as yourself” (Matt. 22:38).  The relevance of loving God and the people He created to missions is the need to introduce them to their Creator, the living God whom they were made to know and need to be reconciled to.  People will believe in Jesus Christ and be reconciled to God.

Missions is an on-going process that must be continued until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  Even from the very beginning, God alluded to His plan to defeat satan and offer salvation to the world through His Son, Jesus Christ (Gen.3:15).  And God’s plan includes the active participation of Christians.  God has called us, filled us with His Holy Spirit and commanded us to share the Gospel – the Good News to the whole world (Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Jn. 4:35, Rom. 10:14-17).