Shining For God


Our present day society is filled with many attractions of the world.  Worldly pleasures to satisfy the desire of self-gratification, inordinate amount of time spent at work pursuing career and self-indulgence upon retirement.  Pleasures, achievements, worldly successes, etc. by themselves are not wrong.  But having them as the goal in life will be disappointing as they will all be meaningless when life comes to an end.  As Christians, our perspective of life in this world ought to be different.  We need to create an impact in this world not by our worldly pursuits but by being salt of the earth and light of the world.  We are saved and left on this earth for a purpose.  We are saved to grow in Christian maturity day by day, to serve Him and be salt of the earth and light of the world.  We worship God through our dedicated lives in service to Him and reaching out to people around us for the glory of His name!

The day we were saved, we inherited a new divine nature in us.  Our growth in Christ needs to be intentional and takes place daily.  We read/study the Bible daily, speak to Him in prayer, interact with fellow believers and encourage one another and are lights shining for God wherever He places us.  Living a life in obedience to His will and trusting Him each step of the way, His divine nature increases in us and our old nature decreases.  We need to recognize that while we are in this world, we are not of this world (Ref. Jn. 17:15-16).  As born again believers, our end in mind for our lives on earth is very different from unbelievers.  We live our lives as children of light, shining for God and making the most of every opportunity to point others to salvation in Jesus.

In all that we do, we need to be mindful that God be glorified and not self.  Through our Christian maturity, service and good works, others may be encouraged.  They will realise that our God is a great God and give Him the glory!  Are you growing in your walk with our Lord Jesus Christ daily?  How are you shining for God in the Body of Christ in Bethesda (Katong) Church?

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” (Matt.5:16)