Living For Jesus


Question: “Who am I living for?”  We know that money isn’t everything and it cannot buy happiness, good health and true love.  At the end of your life, people won’t remember you for all the possessions you have but what impact you had on them, what character you demonstrated before them and the memories left behind for family members and friends close to you to remember the life you lived.  In this brand New Year, what will guide you and give you direction and meaning?

Question by Jesus: To His disciples in Luke 9:20: “Who do you say that I am?” poses a challenge with eternal consequence.  We follow after a person who we hope can improve our lot in life or make an impact beyond our own capacities.  Peter had the God-given spiritual insight to answer, “The Christ of God”.  He saw that Jesus was the promised Saviour and the anointed Redeemer of the world   Jesus was the only person Peter wanted to follow and to pattern his life after.

Question of eternity: Gaining the whole world and losing one’s life is simply not worth it.  I may gain all for myself and not make any room for God.  However, when I die, I will spend eternity without God, because there will be no room for me in heaven.  If I believe and say that Jesus is Lord of my life, I would need to spend time with Him, in worship, prayer, Bible Study, etc.  I should be concerned about His concerns and do things to please him, every hour that I am awake.  I should give my life to improve other people’s lives, both physically and spiritually.  Living for Jesus will be my daily priority.

Questions for you: Do I try to impress other people, or consider what God thinks about my efforts at getting ahead?  “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose” says missionary Jim Elliot.   He went to the Auca Indians in Ecuador to reach them with the gospel of Jesus.  However, his life was cut short by the savage Aucas.  Am I moving above the world’s standard of success to God’s measure of significance?  Am I building my life and other believers, step by step, to gain an eternal reward?  Am I paying it forward to save up a rich harvest in heaven?  I must give my life afresh to God and find satisfaction in Jesus Christ.  I must speak to others out of that satisfaction.  I must rededicate all my plans and hopes to Him.  I must refresh in His presence.  I must rekindle my love and devotion to Him.  Living for Jesus will be my only focus.