Greatest Treasure



People prefer to preach more about Heaven but not Hell. But not Jesus.
People prefer to preach more about love but not judgement. But not Jesus.

In the parable of the wheat and tares, the Lord describes Hell as a blazing furnace (Matthew 13:42) where the lawless (and the unrepentant) are cast into. It is a place of eternal torment, of no escape no relief – “a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth”. (Matthew 13:42; 25:41). The removal of sin will be complete as “The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all law-breakers” (Matthew 13:41).

Set in this context of fearful and dreaded judgement, the kingdom of Heaven (which includes salvation in Jesus) is seen as the greatest treasure. The focus of the man who found the treasure or the merchant who found the pearl of great value was not on what they had to give up, but on what they were about to receive. Likewise, the kingdom of Heaven with its blessings – our salvation through Jesus, our relationship with Christ, and having God’s Word, should be such a treasure and gem to us that we hold them with great joy over any “thing” we do or have. When we truly receive and rejoice in Jesus, the king of the kingdom – our greatest treasure, we become, undeservingly, “the righteous [who] will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:43).

This treasure is not always obvious to people and it is therefore not something they naturally seek. They have things that give them happiness, but these are temporary and disappointing unlike the eternal steadfast hope in Christ and his kingdom.

Are you alert to people today who need to know the “Treasure of Heaven”, like the man in the parable of the hidden treasure? Are you aware of such people as the merchant of pearls searching for that priceless pearl, one who has a deep longing inside? We pray that the Lord awaken us to their unspoken search and embolden us to speak to them.

As we hold on to this treasure by knowing Jesus Christ as our great God and Saviour, may our hearts be bursting to want others to know him and to receive his salvation – always seeking the lost, always praying them into the kingdom! Stir up their interest about spiritual things. Give them freedom to ask and search God’s word together with us for answers. Make sure they understand repentance, and the forgiveness and salvation that is in Christ only. They must know in all urgency that Jesus and his kingdom, is the greatest treasure.