
8 May 2016
GenerosityChristians give financially to God. However, often it is simply because it is a “Christian” thing to do. We hope that God will bless us more as we give. But why exactly should we give generously to God? 2 Corinthians 8-9 will shed some light on the reasons why we should do so. The Apostle Paul gives the Corinthians three reasons for being generous – find-out the genuineness of their love, follow-through their readiness and desire to give and ensure fairness that everyone’s needs are met.

First, Paul can find-out if the Corinthian’s love was genuine through the act of giving. If their love is genuine, it will definitely flow out in generous giving. He draws on the example of Jesus who chose to give up all and become poor so that we might receive the gift of eternal life and hence we become rich. That is true love proven through the action of giving – not just sweet words, empty declarations of devotion or a tingling feeling in one’s heart. We give generously as it proves that our love is genuine. How have we been giving financially? What does that show us about our love for God?

Second, the Corinthians can follow-through with what they have started. For almost a year they have partnered Paul on this gospel work and have held a desire to give financially to the need. The are encouraged to complete this desire by giving generously according to what they had, putting their money where their mouths are. Desire alone is not sufficient – follow- through is needed. While the posture and heart of a person who gives is important, the person’s actions are equally important. What desires has God put in us to give to? It could be for the Church’s missionary fund or for a Christian organisation involved in gospel work. Have we followed through on them? Or have we just talked about it, pondered about it, and let it fly?

Third, Paul calls for fairness. Redistribute God’s resources so that all in God’s family have enough for their needs. Those blessed with an abundance should share with those who are in need and this will remain to be so in the event that the tables are flipped in the future. It is a beautiful picture where all in God’s family share with one another so that all will have enough for their needs but not their wants. Those in abundance should stay disciplined to take only what they require to meet their own needs and not spend frivolously on their wants or indulge themselves. Instead they are exhorted to give to others that they may meet their needs. How have we used our abundance? Have we taken only what we need and pass on the rest to those who can’t meet their needs or have we taken them and spent them on our wants and indulge ourselves.

With these three reasons, Paul encouraged the Corinthians to give generously. They serve as ample motivation for us not just aiming to give our tithes and offerings of what we have but to truly give generously just as Jesus did, proving our love, following through our desires and that all might meet their needs.