Connected To Jesus


We often define “Abiding in Christ” mainly in terms of obedience to Christ.  However, from a simple study of Jn. 15:1-8, we can discover much more.

 In Jn. 15:2, when we abide we will be fruitful.  The outcome of knowing God and His will results in a life that walks worthy of the Lord, “fully pleasing Him and being fruitful in every good work” (Col.1:10).  This abiding close relationship with Jesus will be evident to those around us.  There will be fruits of righteousness in our lives for others to see and be attracted to in their search for God.

 In Jn. 15:3, when we abide we are seen as clean in Jesus.  We often see our failures, fears and imperfections. However, as we draw near to Him continually, meditate on the Bible and pray to Him we are cleanse and renewed through confession and obedience.  We live with joy and in thanksgiving to God who sees us as clean in Jesus.  We are righteous in Jesus and God accepts our worship.

 In Jn. 15:5, 6 when we abide we are one with Jesus.  He calls us to be one in His likeness, His life and His purpose.  While our hearts’ concern is obedience, Jesus’ ultimate goal is for us to be one with Him.   The image of branches connected to The Vine illustrates the deep, personal relationship believers enjoy with Jesus.  We find sufficiency for our weakness and fulfilment of our joy.   We will miss very much should we seek Him only a few brief minutes each day.   Our adoring love for the Lord must compel us to seek His Word, His will and His wisdom in all we do.  Plastic branches do not produce fruit.  Imitation believers will be exposed and removed.  Fruits of self-righteousness and falsehood are unacceptable to God.

 In Jn. 15:7, when we abide we receive Jesus’ promise: “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you”.  Considering the size of this promise, we ought to seriously commit ourselves to a deep and consistent fellowship with Jesus and to fully desire unbroken oneness with the One who loves us and gave Himself for us.

 “Abiding in Christ” sums up the deep transforming relationship we can experience in our lives as Christians.  Let us boldly enter into God’s Presence to discover afresh that His love is real and enduring, where His strength replaces our weakness and His passion becomes ours.  Always remain connected to Jesus!