Christian Conduct


Many of us have, at the workplace, encountered bosses who are both obnoxious and unreasonable in their demands. Some could have faced issues with authorties in our schools or public sector that work up our anger enough for us to make complaints or even to rebel due to our perception of unfairness and injustice. Domestic helpers could be facing many unreasonable requests from their employers too. These examples highlight some of the problems that everyone faces in their daily lives. But how should Chrisans respond? The Apostle Peter’s advice to the Christians in the early Asian Churches came when they were facing persecution from oppressive Roman emperors, like Nero. ”Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority or to governors sent by him.” (1 Pet 2:13, 14)

The keyword is “submit”. Why was such an unlikely advice given? God initiated authority to maintain law and order in daily living. It is possible, desirable and good to live our daily lives according to the laws of the land in our society. God stresses the importance of relationship and harmony and we are created in His image. So, relaontionship with authorities has got to reflect the respect we have for God. We are commanded to submit and cooperate with our rulers and leaders without compromising our Christian faith and conscience “for the Lord’s sake”, so that His Good News and His people will be respected. Beyond obeying governing laws and rules, we should strive to live with love, respect and honour towards others around us. “Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honour the emperor.” (1 Pet 2:17)

For Christians facing persecution because of their faith in Jesus and called to persevere, their rewards are aplenty waiting in heaven. In humility and graciousness in our Christian conduct, we will be able to win over even our “enemies” getting them to praise God. As Christians, we are to be holy and morally correct following Jesus’ example to live such holy lives and seeking our treasures in heaven, not on this earth. Such graciousness and humility give us the confidence to be inspiring examples to unbelievers. All of us, young or old, have lived under some authority. We fear God and submit to authories. Our Christian conduct of love for all in society will bring glory and honour to God!