Be Good and Do Good – Always!


The Apostle Peter has given Christians sound advice about “submission” which starts in the home. Wives are told to submit to their husbands and children are to honour their parents. Christians are to maintain peace and harmony and this extends into the society in which they live. The question comes: “What about circumstances when Christians are faced with an impossible situation?”

Picture yourself driving on a highway when a motorist overtook the vehicle you’re in and forced you to stop. Out steps a road bully accusing you of something you never did. Your immediate and natural response would be to defend yourself against this false accusation and maybe retaliate in a likewise aggressive manner. But what does the Bible advise? “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone” (Col. 4:5, 6). God wants you to conduct yourself with wisdom towards others especially unbelievers. In spite of the unjustified attack, you are to remain humble, caring, kind and gentle so that others may have a good impression of you. The world judges Christians by what they see and our pride often interferes with our desire to be humble and to obey Jesus.

We are taught to ponder the question before any action: “WWJD – What Would Jesus Do?” Taking the cue from Jesus, we can be wiser before we act – “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. Repay evil with blessing because to this you were called” (1 Pet. 3:9). Very challenging but it can be done. In your wisdom and grace towards others, pray for them. God wants Christians to make the most of every opportunity with others with every encounter.

A story is told of a Christian who has worked many years with a foul-mouth and unreasonable colleague. For years, this Christian responded to the unbeliever with kindness and gentleness in all situations and tried to point his friend to Jesus. He sought, with God’s help, to be wise and gracious. Today, that unbeliever not only believed in Jesus but also became a Church Pastor. What a marvelous way for the Christian to bring honour and glory to God in his behaviour. For most of us, this is a tough act to follow but with God’s guidance it can be done. God’s call to us – be good and do good on all occasions!