Be Careful What You Say


One of the major characteristics of fruitlessness in people is usually evident in their careless talk about God.  This was exemplified in Malachi’s days where the people’s arrogant attitude towards God prompted them to ask: “What good does it do to serve God?”  This is a harsh thing among many other strong words that were spoken against God.  “You have said harsh things against me,” says the LORD (Mal. 3:13).  They also complained that their outward religious observances brought them no advantage and the ungodly seemed to be more blessed.  It is another way to say that it is useless to serve God.  Such utterances only serve to demonstrate their sinful and perverse condition.

How do we Christians today take precautions against such attitudes?  Are we careful in our choice of words when we speak to one another?  When we meet and talk to others, do we engage in ungodly gossip or do we focus on edifying each other?  What is the consequence for people who engage in such chatter?  “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the Day of Judgment for every careless word they have spoken.  For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matt. 12:36-37).  Jesus taught us that what we say reveals what is in our hearts.  The kind of words that come out from the mouth is an indication of what is in the heart.  We have to ensure that whatever is uttered from us is wholesome and pleasing to God.

What about Christians who revere and fear the Lord?  The Lord remembers those who honour His Name.  He promises: “I will spare them just as in compassion a man spares his son who serves him” (Mal. 3:17).

We have to be careful not to serve God from a selfish materialistic point of view which results in all the unjust and ungodly chatter.  God looks at our motives and our hearts. God deserves the best we can offer and such commitment demands sacrifices on our part.  On the day of reckoning, God distinguishes between those who ignore Him and those who persevere in righteousness.  All who ignore Him will be “stubble” to be burned up.  For those who are obedient and faithful, He says: “But for you who revere my Name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in its wings”(Mal. 4:2).