Humility in submission


The Apostle Peter exhorts the Church Elders and members in the matter of humility in submission as he prepares them for persecuons and trials coming their way. One exhortaon was given especially to the younger believers, where younger could be in terms of age, or spiritual maturity. They are told to submit to the Church Elders, after Peter had reminded the Elders not to lord over the Church members. Peter then goes on to provide the grounds on which such submission can work: humility in submission towards each other. To the younger believers, humility means submitting to the Church Elders out of respect of age and also spiritual maturity. On the other hand, Church Elders are encouraged to practice humility by respecting their God-given position as leaders of the Church. They are also to be open to suggestions and inputs from the younger Church members.

Humility in submission is always easier said than done, especially when our Singapore society is all very focussed on individual rights – “our rights to do this and that”. Where survival of the fittest is the main rule of this temporal home, there seems to be a justified need to always think for oneself first (and only). We notice that putting the interest of others before oneself means losing out now and also in the long run. Thankfully, we as Christians know that we have an Almighty God who thinks and cares for us dearly. There is therefore no need/‘right’ for us to have such a mindset. Instead of worrying about how giving up our rights and putting others before ourselves may affect our standing in this world, we trust in God’s promise to “lift you up in due time“. If we truly believe that Jesus told us “my yoke is easy and my burden is light” (Matt 11:30), we only need to cast our burdens on to him and watch him run the show.

In our practice of humility in submission, Peter warns us to be ever watchful. The devil succeeds as long as we are drawn away from God! With so much worldly messages bombarding us in every part of our lives, it takes a God-given discerning spirit (2 Tim 2:7) to sieve out what is pure, true and of God. As we are warned of false prophets and deceptive teachings coming our way, let us stand firm in our faith. We are to “stand firm. Let nothing move you” (1 Cor 15:58), because God promises us that our labour and suffering in the Lord will never be in vain. Amen!